

Your opinion matters!
If you are an alumnus from Hill Country Detox, we welcome your feedback on one of our following local profiles:


  1. Type “Hill Country Detox” in Buda, TX

2. On Hill Country Detox’s page, click on the red “Write a review” button.

3. In the pop-up window, rate your experience and write a few words if you wish.


  1. Type “Hill Country Detox” in the Facebook search bar. Once on the page, click on the “Reviews” button in the left column.

2. Select the numbers of stars you would like to give Hill Country Detox for your past treatment or stay.

3. On the next screen, you can write more on your experience.


Visit Google.com and type in the search box the name of the program: “Hill Country Detox”
In the box on the right, click on the “Write a review” button