Opiate addiction, has become mainstream media and has become a talking point of most presidential campaigns. This year, ABC’s 20/20 Breaking Point did a special on heroin addiction and the devastating affects on individuals. When your loved one has an opiate addiction, seeking inpatient opiate addiction treatment, is always a great an option. Depending on the frequency and amount of opiates used, will determine if opiate detox is needed. In many cases, individuals seeking opiate addiction treatment ask themselves if cold turkey detox is right for them.
Opiates are one of the world’s most addictive and dangerous drugs. It is also one of the most difficult addictions to overcome. But stopping without professional medical supervision is not only unsafe – it’s destined for failure in more ways than one.
First, the nervous system of the opiate addicts has become so accustomed to opiate exposure, that immediate stoppage of opiate use can cause extremely dangerous and painful withdrawal symptoms.
Second, without licensed therapy to change behaviors and life skills, an opiate addict revert back to a life style of addiction.. Without coping skills and a support system, the craving for opiate will become to great.
Trying to detox from opiates on your own will also produce withdrawal symptoms that cover a wide range of severity and discomfort. Opiate withdrawal symptoms usually commence within 12 hours of cessation of the drug and peak between two and four days. Such symptoms include:
· Abdominal pain
· Anxiety
· Body pain
· Chills
· Diarrhea
· Insomnia
· Irritability
· Nausea
· Sneezing
· Sniffing
· Sweating
· Vomiting
· Weakness
Medically supervised opiate detox is the only way to ensure the safety and well-being of the individual who has made the life-affirming decision to stop using opiates.

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